Economics Research
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile or download my CV.
- “Medical Bill Shock and Imperfect Moral Hazard” (with David Anderson & Ed Zhu) Journal of Public Economics, 2024.
- “What Would it Take for the United States to Adopt Universal Managed Competition to Improve the Equity and Efficiency of its Health Care System?” (with Randall Ellis & Angie Acquatella). Health Economics, Policy, and Law, 2024.
- “It’s No Accident: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vehicle Safety Inspections” (with Trevor Woolley). Contemporary Economic Policy, 2018.
Working Papers
- “An Ounce of Prevention or a Pound of Cure? The Value of Health Risk Information”. Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economics and Statistics.
- “Prescribing Power and Equitable Access to Care: Evidence from Pharmacists in Ontario, Canada” (with Guan Wang). Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Health Economics.
- “Innovations and Inequities in Access to Medical Services”, Under Review.
Works in Progress
Drafts/slides available upon request
- “The Protective Effects of a Healthy Spouse: Medicare as the Family Member of Last Resort” (joint with Itzik Fadlon, Tal Gross, & Timothy Layton)
- “Impact of False Positive Tests on Medical Trust and Preventive Care Utilization: Evidence from Newborn Screenings” (joint with Emily Lawler & Tamar Oostrom)