Public Health Research
- Lung Cancer Screening and USPSTF Recommendations (with Michael Darden). JAMA Network Open, 2025.
- “Social Determinants of Health and Insurance Claim Denials for Preventive Care” (with Olivia Yu & Michal Horný). JAMA Network Open, 2024.
- “Inequities in Unexpected Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care in the United States” (with Olivia Yu & Michal Horný). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2024.
- “A Novel Machine Learning Algorithm for Creating Risk-Adjusted Payment Formulas” (with Randall Ellis, Jeffrey Siracuse, Allan Walkey, Karen Lasser, Brian Jacobson, Corinne Andriola, Ying Liu, Chenlu Song, Tzu-Chun Kuo & Arlene Ash). JAMA Health Forum, 2024.
- “Challenges in Promoting Health Equity and Reducing Disparities in Access Across New and Established Technologies” (with Sarah Kipping). Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2024.
- “Importance of Direct Exposure in Continuing Medical Education: Primary Care Physician Learning through Patients with Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation” (with Jasmin Kantarevic, James Stutely, & Harindra C. Wijeysundera). Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2024.
- Examining the Role of Child Welfare Worker Characteristics and the Substantiation Decision” (with Kristen Lwin, Kofi Antwi-Boasiako, Peter Mackenzie}, & Barbara Fallon). Child Abuse & Neglect, 2024.
- “Development and Assessment of A New Framework for Disease Surveillance, Prediction, and Risk Adjustment: The Diagnostic Items Classification System” (with Randall Ellis, Jeffrey Siracuse, Allan Walkey, Karen Lasser, Brian Jacobson, Corinne Andriola, Ying Liu, Chenlu Song, Tzu-Chun Kuo & Arlene Ash). JAMA Health Forum, 2022.
- “Comparison of Postpartum Health Care Use and Spending Among Individuals with Medicaid-Paid Births Enrolled in Continuous Medicaid vs Commercial Insurance” (with Sarah Gordon, Jamie Daw, & Lindsay Admon). JAMA Network Open, 2022.
- “The Effect of Medicaid Eligibility as a Low-Income Adult on Continuity of Insurance Enrollment in the Postpartum Year” (with Sarah Gordon, Jamie Daw, & Lindsay Admon). Health Affairs, 2022.
- “Trends in Out-of-pocket Costs for Well-child Care after the Affordable Care Act” (with Paul Shafer & Heather Hsu). JAMA Network Open, 2021.
- “Out-of-pocket Costs for Preventive Care Persist Almost a Decade after the ACA” (with Paul Shafer). Preventive Medicine, 2021.
- “Adolescent Interactions with Family and Emotions during Interactions: Variation by Family Structure” (with Jocelyn Wikle). Journal of Family Psychology, 2019.
- “Adolescent Caretaking of Younger Siblings” (with Jocelyn Wikle & Alex Jensen). Social Science Research, 2017.